Excellent preview from Michelle Gavin at CFR as Ruto arrives in Washington

A Preview of Kenya’s State Visit” at the Council on Foreign Relations “Africa in Transition” blog.

Kenya Nairobi airshow parachutist with Kenyan flad

Key takeaway:

The objective for the United States should be to maximize the pursuit of genuine shared interests with Kenya without personalizing the relationship. Ruto and his allies have deftly countered existing and potential political threats at home while vociferously criticizing judicial decisions that do not go their way. A potential Kenyan trajectory in which Ruto faces no serious challenges or checks while the broader population becomes increasingly disaffected is bad news for Kenya, bad for U.S. interests, and bad for democracy.”


“Regardless of whether Whitman’s business-focused approach is successful, it garners praise for its intensity.” From headline piece in Politico on next opportunities for our “different kind” of Ambassador to Kenya as Ruto arrives for State visit.

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